Friday, January 2, 2015

Dedicating Myself to Being the Best Me Possible?

Ding ding.

When I hear that annoying little ping coming from my cell phone about this time every morning, I know it's 9:30 and my Weight Watchers' coach is sending another mass-mail motivational quote. This morning it is a reminder to "Dedicate 2015 to being the best you possible." While I know that my journey toward a healthy BMI is helping me to become a more healthy me, I find myself feeling irritated with the message that perhaps I cannot be good enough until I lose "x" more pounds. For a person who struggles with self-esteem issues, this is a daunting way to begin the new year.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons I have begun my photographic year of gratitude, to remind myself of all the good things in my life, all those people, things, places that encourage me to be the best me that I can possibly be and even more, to acknowledge that no one can be her  best when she travels the path alone.

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